Eros & Equus: A Passion for the Horse



Why do we never tire of good horse stories? Perhaps it is because they connect us to something deeper and more meaningful in life. Literature about the wild joys of riding and the profoundness of our relationship to these animals takes us away from everyday reality into a heightened moment. But even more than that, the horse reminds us of a creature both noble and kind, powerful and tender, as beautiful today as it was a thousand years ago. Reading this unique collection of world class literature is like entering "a dream smell of stables." One is treated to the "unrestrained feeling of utter freedom when riding out in the morning." Included are outstanding selections of prose and poetry from forty-four authors, including Jean Giono, John Hawkes, Kay Boyle, Lucy Grealy, Jim Harrison, Lyn Lifshin, Billy Collins, and Isak Dinesen. The exquisite photographs of Donna DeMari are full of an amazing energy. Here she catches the quirky, unexpected detail of mane, muzzle, haunch or eye, revealing to us the secret life of the horse with her special artistry.


Size: 8.5" x 10"

Cover: Hardcover

Item: #3880

ISBN: 978-1-59543-388-6

UPC: 709786011049

Format: Book