The Yorkie Diaries Book



Ah, the darling little Yorkshire Terrier. Cute, sweet, uncomplicated...or are they? It turns out there’s a lot more going on inside those pretty little heads than most of us imagined, and a lot more going on at home when they are not under our supervision! Besides their undercover antics, it has also been revealed that some Yorkies have a penchant for recording their innermost thoughts in secreted diaries and journals. The Yorkie Diaries is a compilation of just some of those once private Yorkie files, sure to enlighten and entertain the yorkiephile in you! Entries on naughtiness, on being a terrier, on “all that hair” and, of course, true confessions (some sweet, some snarky) combined with candid color photography of the contributors in action, make for a revealing peek into the minds and lives of these precocious, and precious, little companions.


Size: 5.5" x 5.5"

Cover: Hardcover

Item: #38409

ISBN: 978-1-59543-840-9

UPC: 709786014972

Format: Book

Pages: 96